That's a question I get a lot after I announced that I was eschewing traditional print publishing for digital publishing.
I love holding a printed book in my hand. I do. I'm a regular at the library and the bookstore and new release Tuesdays are the highlight of my week. But I'm selling my work exclusively as digital editions.
Why? Simply put, I can reach a greater audience at a lower cost. I can publish books more often, make them easily available through major outlets for download, and I must sadly admit the field of publishing seems to be heading down a digital road.
The costs of producing a paper book are high. Sales are down. Publishers aren't going to make risks on new authors -- at least, not as often as ten years ago -- unless they are a sure-fire hit.
I'm not in it for the money. As much as I want to see my own novels on shelves, right now, I'm just happy that they can be read. I write for the fans and have for years.
So take a chance. Embrace the digital platform. And check out Sole Survivor, my labor of love that I started work on back in high school.